They’re professional wrestlers, they’re Black, and at 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon they’re huddled in the back of VFW Post 6605 in Warner Robins, Ga., counting down the final adrenaline-filled minutes before a show. Seated on a swivel chair, wearing a dark singlet, Eric Silva, The Ghost, twists the cap off a 5-Hour Energy drink Shawn Angelo Montana stretches green KT Tape across his lats and Ehren Black gathers his thoughts before stepping toward the center of the room. He settles in next to Brandon Whatley, The Serpent Assassin, who stands with arms crossed, a coiled viper stamped across his purple tights. Inside, Austin Towers-The Chief, as he’s known in this space-folds his seven-foot frame at the waist to grab a slice of pepperoni from a Little Caesars box beside a picked-over veggie tray and a stack of floral-print paper plates. Through the windowless, carpeted taproom past the Keno lottery machine and the painting of a bald eagle and the bartender in a yellow DON'T TREAD ON ME T-shirt, an unmarked door hangs slightly ajar.